Post by Nyron Nonceworthy on Nov 21, 2011 15:56:46 GMT
Nah, I doubt defiant is in their vocabulary. Vokabeln. Vocabulary in German that is.
Post by Ninjadmin on Nov 21, 2011 17:11:44 GMT
They've probably got a spell corrector in their browser and made such a hash of the word 'definitely' that it was closer to 'defiantly'.
Post by Ninjadmin on Nov 21, 2011 17:15:49 GMT
Can't resist posting on this thread without sharing an update from my mong. This is probably a little bit harsh, because it's her pouring her heart out over her dead brother (I think)... but fuck it, he was probably a spaz too.
"wot is going on wiv me lisnt to alfy prasy thinking of my big briw jason i love u and i miss u so much it as bin 11 years now but will never for get u borw love and think off u evey day miss u jason so much just wich u was here wiv me and see my boys xx r.i.p borw xx"
I'm surprised she can spell R.I.P.
Post by Donkey on Nov 21, 2011 17:17:19 GMT
"lisnt to alfy prasy"
Post by Ninjadmin on Nov 21, 2011 17:23:02 GMT
"lisnt to alfy prasy" What? Probably listening to an audio-book by the great Geologist Alfred Praisy.
Post by Plain Jane on Nov 21, 2011 17:42:50 GMT
WTF, how did I miss this thread, its bloody genius!
Post by Nyron Nonceworthy on Nov 21, 2011 18:17:18 GMT
Can't resist posting on this thread without sharing an update from my mong. This is probably a little bit harsh, because it's her pouring her heart out over her dead brother (I think)... but fuck it, he was probably a spaz too. "wot is going on wiv me lisnt to alfy prasy thinking of my big briw jason i love u and i miss u so much it as bin 11 years now but will never for get u borw love and think off u evey day miss u jason so much just wich u was here wiv me and see my boys xx r.i.p borw xx"I'm surprised she can spell R.I.P. Sometimes she just has that uncanny knack of eating right into your heart, such is her beautiful use of the English language.
Post by Ribanjo Fuller on Nov 21, 2011 23:22:38 GMT
Update from Uncs mong
"wall pis going home as i am piss off wiv my game as i have not won a game and my dad wos me to get him sume fag and i am not"
Post by Donkey on Nov 21, 2011 23:24:39 GMT
She has kids yet is staying out late getting drunk and playing games. Yes?
Post by Ribanjo Fuller on Nov 21, 2011 23:27:20 GMT
Some days she has 2 kids, then some days she only seems to have one and then some days they've both been taken off her.
She's ace.
Post by Donkey on Nov 21, 2011 23:31:58 GMT
She's not....erm....Welsh is she?
Post by Ribanjo Fuller on Nov 21, 2011 23:33:41 GMT
She's from 'Cheddleton' according to her facebook, wherever that is.
Post by Donkey on Nov 21, 2011 23:36:17 GMT
Its Latin for Mordor.
Post by Dharma Bum on Nov 21, 2011 23:37:32 GMT
Post by Ribanjo Fuller on Nov 21, 2011 23:37:49 GMT
...because she looks like an ork, you know what, now it all makes sense.
Post by Donkey on Nov 21, 2011 23:40:54 GMT
What doesn't make sense - mong can speak Latin now?
Post by Ribanjo Fuller on Nov 21, 2011 23:42:11 GMT
"holow is it me ur looking for lol"
'holow', it's like if a fucking dog could type.
Post by Gaz Turner on Nov 22, 2011 0:27:17 GMT
She truly is a fantastic mong, mine just can't compete because she doesn't post enough.
I can't comprehend how thick you need to be to spell Hello as Holow
Post by Nyron Nonceworthy on Nov 22, 2011 0:36:27 GMT
Is she any relation to Mr Bean?
Post by Dharma Bum on Nov 22, 2011 0:57:14 GMT
Can't resist posting on this thread without sharing an update from my mong. This is probably a little bit harsh, because it's her pouring her heart out over her dead brother (I think)... but fuck it, he was probably a spaz too. "wot is going on wiv me lisnt to alfy prasy thinking of my big briw jason i love u and i miss u so much it as bin 11 years now but will never for get u borw love and think off u evey day miss u jason so much just wich u was here wiv me and see my boys xx r.i.p borw xx"I'm surprised she can spell R.I.P. I disagree. A slight bit of editing and it becomes a deeply moving sonnet. (I''ve added two quatrains to ensure it's in the correct format, swapped two lines and added "sons" at the end of the rhyming couplet, but otherwise it's all hers.) How I weep for the loss of a brother Seems but mere hours since yon fun'ral dirge When the son to my father and mother was consigned to the cold clay of th'earth
Bright sun shines, yet't feel like cruel winds blow Wi'out the warmth of your sweet, tender kiss My constitution becometh so cold! And frozen heart covets what't doth miss.
wot is going on wiv me lisnt to alfy prasy thinking of my big briw much it as bin 11 years now but will never for get u jason i love u and i miss u so love and think off u evey day miss u so much jason just wich u was here wiv me and see my sons xxr.i.p borw xx